Personal Statement
I have a huge passion for stage management and theater. Over the years I’ve come to the conclusion that it's due to a number of reasons.
One, being part of something bigger than myself. A huge group of people work on any given production together contributing thor different sets of skills and talents to create magic on stage. I have stage management to offer to this beautiful process because my personality, skill set and morals align with what is required of this sacred role. Theater teaches selflessness; crew building a set is irrelevant if there are no actors to act on it and actors acting without props, mics, lights, costumes, etc are amateur. No one could put a production together on their own, we need each other and there’s an enormous beauty in that.
Two, the power of emotions. Every member of a company plays a small part in the spectacle that the audience gets to see. There are very horrible ways to make people cry and very stupid ways to make people laugh, but our hard work touches people and makes them feel different when they walk in, which to me is like a superpower.
Three, connections. Theater has brought me immense joy from meeting my 3 best friends who I know are genuine connections I’ll keep for the rest of my life. But theater has also brought me pain from connections that feel though or where the other person just didn’t have the best intentions. But at the end of the day, what makes connections in theater so special is the family-like bond a company is able to make with one another in a limited amount of time, simply because we all love what we are doing.
Four, the thrill of the kill. This is the addictive factor of theater and what keeps me coming back for more despite the stress and exhaustion of tech week. The buzzing of the audience as they come in full of anticipation for the show, but there is no way they are more excited than me because by then the butterflies have kicked in and before I know it I'm lost in the show. Focusing on doing my part as best as possible and at the same time taking mental snapshots to try to take away as many memories before the run is over. The only thing to bring me back to reality is the wave of applause that follows the show where you realize the hard work paid off and the audience loved it.
I could list countless more things like: 5- sense of accomplishment after a successful run, 6- traditions and legacies, 7- personal growth, 8- escapism, 9- creative outlet, and so on. But to me what makes me feel like stage management if where I belong is number 10: care and take care of others. To me that is the most important job of a stage manager. Being the go to person for any and all members of the company to help solve issues or the person to keep composed in chaotic moments. I tend to be an extremely empathetic person who loves offering help so being able to do a job that requires this brings me incredible satisfaction and fuels my passion.
- Elisa Longhini Xavier